Localization - SwiftUI

In SwiftUI, you can set the app's default locale using the CFBundleDevelopmentRegion property. You can also access and modify the locale value dynamically within the app via SwiftUI's locale environment property.

To retrieve a localized string from a .strings file, use the LocalizedStringKey struct. SwiftUI simplifies localization by automatically handling string literals for specific types such as Text, Toggle, Picker and more. When you initialize a view with a string literal, SwiftUI converts the string into a LocalizedStringKey and looks up its localized version based on the current locale settings.

For more detailed information, refer to Adding Support for Languages and Regions on Apple's Developer site.

// Get current locale
@Environment(\.locale) var locale: Locale

// Set the locale dynamically
WindowGroup {
        .environment(\.locale, .init(identifier: "en"))

// Looks up localized string in .strings file
let welcomeText = LocalizedStringKey("appt_welcome_text")

// Initialises a view directly with LocalizedStringKey value