Input keyboard type - Android

On Android, you can set a keyboard type by using the android:inputType property. You can combine values with each other.

The following constants are defined:

  • date: for entering a date
  • datetime: for entering a date and time
  • none: to disable input
  • number: for entering a number
  • numberDecimal: for entering decimal numbers
  • numberPassword: for entering a numeric password
  • numberSigned: for entering a positive or negative number
  • phone: for entering a telephone number
  • text: for entering normal text
  • textAutoComplete: to enable automatic completion
  • textAutoCorrect: to enable automatic correction
  • textCapCharacters: to automatically convert characters to uppercase
  • textCapSentences: to automatically capitalize sentences
  • textCapWords: to automatically capitalize words
  • textEmailAddress: for entering an email address
  • textEmailSubject: for entering the subject of an email
  • textFilter: for entering text to filter with
  • textImeMultiLine: to force entering multiple lines of text
  • textLongMessage: for entering a long message
  • textMultiLine: for entering multiple lines of text
  • textNoSuggestions: to disable suggestions
  • textPassword: for entering a password
  • textPersonName: for entering a name
  • textPhonetic: for entering phonetic text
  • textPostalAddress: for entering a postal address
  • textShortMessage: for entering a short message
  • textUri: for entering a URL
  • textVisiblePassword: for entering a visible password
  • textWebEditText: for entering text in a web form
  • textWebEmailAddress: for entering an email address in a web form
  • textWebPassword: for entering a password in a web form
  • time: for entering a time

Example of using inputType:

    android:inputType="text|textMultiLine|textCapSentences" />