Input errors - Jetpack Compose

In Jetpack Compose, you can use error function inside the semantics block modifier to announce an error message to the accessibility service. Keep in mind that these announcements will not be shown visually. To show the message, use label property of TextField in conjunction with isError, which automatically changes the appearance of the TextField.

var errorMessage by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
val isError = remember(errorMessage) { errorMessage.isNotEmpty() }
    value = "",
    label = {
        Text(errorMessage.ifEmpty { "TextField label" })
    isError = isError,
    onValueChange = { /* State update logic */ },
    modifier = Modifier
        .semantics {
            if (errorMessage.isNotEmpty()) {

Important: Check if the import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.error is present when using the error function; otherwise, Kotlin will use the standard error function, which throws an IllegalStateException with your message.