Input content type - React Native

In React Native,there are different properties for Android and iOS to set the content type. For Android, you can use the autoComplete property. For iOS, you can use the textContentType property.

Available values for autoComplete on Android:

  • birthdate-day
  • birthdate-full
  • birthdate-month
  • birthdate-year
  • cc-csc
  • cc-exp
  • cc-exp-day
  • cc-exp-month
  • cc-exp-year
  • cc-number
  • email
  • gender
  • name
  • name-family
  • name-given
  • name-middle
  • name-middle-initial
  • name-prefix
  • name-suffix
  • password
  • password-new
  • postal-address
  • postal-address-country
  • postal-address-extended
  • postal-address-extended-postal-code
  • postal-address-locality
  • postal-address-region
  • postal-code
  • street-address
  • sms-otp
  • tel
  • tel-country-code
  • tel-national
  • tel-device
  • username
  • username-new
  • off

Available values for textContentType on iOS:

  • none
  • URL
  • addressCity
  • addressCityAndState
  • addressState
  • countryName
  • creditCardNumber
  • emailAddress
  • familyName
  • fullStreetAddress
  • givenName
  • jobTitle
  • location
  • middleName
  • name
  • namePrefix
  • nameSuffix
  • nickname
  • organizationName
  • postalCode
  • streetAddressLine1
  • streetAddressLine2
  • sublocality
  • telephoneNumber
  • username
  • password
  • newPassword
  • oneTimeCode