Accessibility role - SwiftUI

In SwiftUI, you can set an accessibility role by using the accessibility traits on views. This is done by using the accessibilityAddTraits modifier, which allows you to specify the role a view should play in the user interface. Traits can make a view act as a button, header, link, image, and more. You can also combine multiple traits to define complex roles.

// Button Trait
Text("Tap Me")

// Header Trait
Text("Section Header")

// Link Trait
Text("Visit Website")

// Image Trait
Image(systemName: "star.fill")

// Combined Traits: Button and Selected
Text("Selected Button")
    .accessibilityAddTraits([.isButton, .isSelected])

If you need to remove specific traits from a view, you can use the accessibilityRemoveTraits modifier.

// View containing an image that acts as a decorative element
Image(systemName: "envelope")