Accessibility role - Android

On Android, you can use the setAccessibilityDelegate method of ViewCompat to get a reference to AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat. This object contains many useful accessibility related methods.

You can set a role using the setRoleDescription method. However, we recommend using the setClassName method over setRoleDescription to support multilingual roles. For example, set if an element behaves like a button. The role will be set to Button in English, and to its respective translation in other languages.

Element type Class name
Button android.widget.Button
Checkbox android.widget.CompoundButton
Drop down list android.widget.Spinner
Edit box android.widget.EditText
Image android.widget.ImageView
Toggle button android.widget.ToggleButton
Radio button android.widget.RadioButton
Progress bar android.widget.ProgressBar
Value picker android.widget.NumberPicker

To indicate other element types, such as Switch or Tab, use setRoleDescription.

You can indicate a heading by using the setHeading method. ViewCompat also contains a convenience method: setAccessibilityHeading.

    object : AccessibilityDelegateCompat() {
        override fun onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(
            host: View,
            info: AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
        ) {
            super.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(host, info)

            // Button
            info.className =

            // Image
            info.className =
            // Heading
            info.isHeading = true

            // Custom
            info.roleDescription = "Custom role"

// Convenience method
ViewCompat.setAccessibilityHeading(view, true)