Accessibility modal - SwiftUI

In SwiftUI, you can indicate an accessibility modal by adding .isModal to accessibilityTraits.

Use this trait to control which accessibility elements can be accessed by assistive technology. When a modal accessibility element is active, other sibling elements that are not part of the modal are hidden from assistive technologies.

Note: When designing a custom modal view in SwiftUI, it’s crucial to include a cancel or dismiss button. This button provides users with a clear and easy way to exit the modal without completing any actions.

@State private var isModalPresented = false // State to control the modal presentation

var body: some View {
    ZStack {
        Button("Show Modal") {
            isModalPresented = true // Present the modal
        if isModalPresented {
            EmptyModalView(isPresented: $isModalPresented)
                .frame(width: 200, height: 200)
                .accessibilityAddTraits(.isModal) // Add .isModal trait