Accessibility link - SwiftUI

In SwiftUI, you can create rich text that includes clickable links using the AttributedString and its link attribute. This approach allows you to make specific parts of your text act as hyperlinks.

let attributedTextLink: AttributedString = {
    var fullText = AttributedString("Learn more about Appt")
    // Find the range of the word "Appt"
    if let range = fullText.range(of: "Appt") {
        // Add link attribute to "Appt"
        fullText[range].link = URL(string: "")!
    return fullText


In SwiftUI, you can create a Link view that behaves as a link out of the box. The Link view links the entire content of the view that it wraps, rather than just a portion of it. This means that when you use Link to wrap a text, tapping anywhere within that view area will trigger the link.

Link("Visit Appt", destination: URL(string: "")!)