Accessibility focusable - Jetpack Compose

In Jetpack Compose, you can use the contentDescription to hide an element (like an image) from assistive technologies. Set the contentDescription property to null, the assistive technology will then look for the text property inside the semantics block modifier, so make sure that isn't set.

If Composable doesn't expose the contentDescription property, you can use the invisibleToUser property inside the semantics block modifier, to hide an element from assistive techonologies.

If, on the contrary, you want to make a certain element focusable, use the focusable modifier. By design, some Composables are focusable, such as a Button or a Composable with the clickable modifier attached to it.

// Set contentDescription to null
    painter = /* your Painter */,
    contentDescription = null,

// Make element invisible for assistive techonologies
    text = "",
    modifier = Modifier.semantics {

// Make element focusable
Box(modifier = Modifier.focusable()) {
    // Box content...