Accessibility action - Jetpack Compose

In Jetpack Compose, you can add custom actions for assistive technologies using the customActions property inside the semantics block modifier.

// add custom action
    onClick = { /* Your click handler */ },
    modifier = Modifier
        .semantics {
            customActions = listOf(
                // your custom action
                CustomAccessibilityAction(label = "Add bookmark") {
                    // Bookmark logic
) {
    Text("Bookmark button")

Furthermore, there are several ways to override labels for default actions. For Composables that expose the onClick parameter, specify the label inside the semantics block modifier. The SemanticsActions object provides a list of all predefined accessibility actions.

// override label for button
val buttonClickHandler: () -> Unit = { /* Your click handler */ }
    onClick = buttonClickHandler,
    modifier = Modifier
        .semantics {
            onClick(label = "Add bookmark") {
) {
    // Button content