Accessibility action - iOS

On iOS, you can use UIAccessibilityCustomAction to add custom actions for assistive technologies. You can also use UIAccessibilityCustomRotor to add custom actions to the VoiceOver rotor. Furthermore, you can use the accessibilityActivate method to override the action that happens when a user activates an element, e.g. by double tapping with the screen reader.

// Custom action
let customAction = UIAccessibilityCustomAction(
    name: "Appt action",
    actionHandler: { (action: UIAccessibilityCustomAction) -> Bool in
        // Logic
        return true
accessibilityCustomActions = [customAction]

// Custom rotor
let customRotor = UIAccessibilityCustomRotor(name: "Appt rotor") { predicate in
    // Logic
accessibilityCustomRotors = [customRotor]

// Custom activation
override func accessibilityActivate() -> Bool {
    // Logic
    return true // True if the element was activated, false if not