Ensure image does not contain text

(In development)

Ensure images are not used to show text. If it does, then the font, size, color, and background should be customizable. If these properties cannot be adjusted, users might not be able to read the text.


People who use larger font sizes or enhanced contrast might not be able to read the text in images if it does not use their preferred font size and/or colors.




Automated testing

This issue can be detected automatically with the Abra Test Engine.

Manual testing

Check if the majority of an image is made up by text.

  1. Check if images does not contain text.
  2. Check if exceptions are met.

Passes if 1 or 2 are true.


  1. If the font, size, color, and background are customizable.
  2. If the presentation is essential, e.g. a logo.


Always check the official guidelines.